One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Why Study Civil Engineering at Cedarville?

Ready to pave the way for a better future as a civil engineer? 锡达维尔大学的土木工程学士(BSCE)课程旨在为您在土木工程的动态世界中实现职业生涯做好准备. 您将获得在各种需求领域取得成功所需的知识和实践技能,并有能力利用您的职业对王国产生影响.

作为一个土木工程专业的学生, you'll benefit from up-to-date facilities, 有经验的教师, and vast scientific and engineering resources. 无论是通过讲座奠定基础,还是通过设计项目和实验室练习将工程沙巴体育于实践, you'll receive an excellent education that's grounded in biblical truth. 当你毕业时, 你将为土木工程的成功事业做好准备,并准备为基督影响社区和塑造你周围的世界.

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职业准备 -确保你为土木工程领域的各种机会做好充分准备, 你将学习各种土木工程方面的知识和技能 主题包括:

  • Construction Engineering and Project Management
  • 材料测试与设计
  • 环境工程, Water Treatment, and Air Pollution Management
  • 岩土工程
  • Structural Analysis and Design with Steel, Concrete, and Wood
  • 交通运输工程
  • 水分布与水文

在你大三和大四的时候, 您将通过选择以下五个土木工程专业之一,在土木工程的特定分支学科中发展专业技术技能:

  • 环境工程
  • 一般土木工程
  • International Infrastructure Engineering
  • 结构工程
  • 水利工程

认证 — Our BSCE program is accredited by the Engineering 认证 Commission of ABET, 这与你在十大和大型研究型大学中发现的专业认证是一样的. (查看我们的 学生的结果, which meet ABET accreditation standards.)

实验室和项目 -我们的课程是专门设计的,在课程中结合了实验室和项目经验. 从建造一个30英尺. wooden bridge as a freshman, designing and testing your own concrete 混合, or configuring a functional water purification system, 我们整个课程的目的是让你在实验室里沙巴体育你在课堂上学到的概念和理论. As you do this, 你会 also be developing practical skills and 经验 to give you the competitive edge when you graduate. In Fall 2020, the new Cedarville University 土木工程中心 (CEC) was opened. 这22,000平方英尺, state-of-the-art facility has been specifically designed around our hands-on approach 土木工程.

指导教师 — Not only will your professors teach your classes, 但他们也会在你通过我们的项目和进入专业的过程中指导和指导你. Our professors are all committed Christians, who see their role as a calling from God, and recognize that great education extends beyond the classroom into all spheres of life. 我们的教师和支持人员装备精良,带领您通过土木工程的最深的技术方面, work alongside you on designs and projects, 并为您提供健全的精神, 学术, 以及专业的建议.

现实世界的经验 -通过实验室经验, 设计竞赛, 和实习, 你会 gain valuable real-world 经验 as you pursue your engineering degree.


土木工程中心, 2020年8月开业, 房屋的教室, 实验室, and faculty offices for Cedarville's civil engineering major.


Dr. 罗伯特Chasnov, Dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science, talks about the latest addition to Cedarville's outstanding engineering programs.

What Can I Do With a Civil Engineering Degree?

A BSCE degree can lead you to a variety of career opportunities. Civil engineering is one of the most in-demand engineering disciplines. 到2024年,土木工程工作预计将增长8%(相比之下,所有工程工作的预计增长率为3%)。.

随着社会的不断发展壮大,对土木工程师的需求也越来越大. It’s not only about creating new public infrastructure. Growing national challenges with deteriorating roads, 桥梁, 大坝, 管道和其他基础设施意味着对土木工程师的需求在不断增加. 不断增长的土木工程劳动力对确保我国经济的持续增长至关重要, 安全与保障.

If you are interested in venturing out to work internationally, civil engineering can offer you a world of opportunity. 土木工程师解决了许多基本的人类需求,并提供了社会发展的基础设施. 世界各地, 熟练的土木工程师有越来越多的机会,他们可以帮助面临供水严重挑战的社区提供解决方案, 污水处理, 基本的住所. As a civil engineer, you can literally save lives and transform societies.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 98.工程与计算机科学学院的应届毕业生中有1%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

As you’re pursuing a civil engineering degree at Cedarville, your education will be complemented by co-curricular opportunities.

实习 — Our students have found that there’s no substitution for real-world 经验. A summer internship will see you employed with a civil engineering firm, doing real work in civil engineering and getting paid for it! 我们的土木工程学生已经完成了一系列土木工程的实习, 结构工程, 施工管理, 测量, and ministry organizations across Ohio and the U.S.

比赛 -沙巴体育工程学院的学生参加许多由国家和国际组织主办的设计竞赛,如美国工程教育协会(ASEE)。, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), SAE国际, 美国国家航空航天局, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 美国能源部(DOE), and the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE). 看看我们的团队,并将他们的结果与其他大学的结果进行比较——你会印象深刻的!

合作项目 — When participating in the co-op program, 你会 begin earning a salary while still in college, 获得专业经验, 建立良好的人际关系, 和更多的. 查看我们的 合作社手册.

学生组织 -我们将鼓励您成为一个或多个国家和国际专业协会的积极成员. They organize meetings, promote tours of industry, travel to regional conferences, and rub elbows with professionals at senior section meetings.

  • Cedarville University Society of Civil Engineers (CUSCE) -该协会旨在发展成为美国土木工程师协会的学生分会. This society involves monthly meetings where civil engineering 学生和教师共进晚餐,听一位土木工程专业人士的演讲.
  • 女工程师学会(SWE) -女工程师协会是一个鼓励女性在工程师和领导者的职业生涯中充分发挥潜力的组织.
  • The Society of Engineers Aiding Missions (SEAM) - SEAM的使命是教育、装备和吸引工程师参与世界使命事业.
  • Tau Beta Pi工程荣誉协会 – Tau Beta Alpha is a Cedarville University Engineering Honor Society, 哪个奖项表彰大三和大四的工程专业学生的杰出学术成就和较强的专业能力 基督徒的品格.


Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 你会 take a 系列课程 from the sciences, mathematics, and engineering fields. 除了获得土木工程几个主要学科的广泛教育外, 你会 choose one specialty area as your concentration: environmental engineering, 一般土木工程, 国际基础设施工程, 结构工程, 或者水利工程.


锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. 你可能也想 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年






Assistant Dean, 土木工程教授, Head of Civil Engineering






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David Dittenber博士



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